Hello world!

I have been fiddling with themes for a good hour and a half, trying my best to neglect my typography homework. The project is due next Thursday, and I am to come up with two serviceable monograms using my initials: SS. The thing is, there’s not much to do with SS. They’re two squares and frankly if you stack one on top of the other or one below the other, it looks EXACTLY the same. At least I’m saved half the process work.

My saving sanity is this blog, which will be my scrapbook, my record, and my tribute to all things beautiful, crazy, and weird. I will occasionally also toss in the odd soapbox speech about current events, but good design is also a reflection of current events and these must be acknowledged.

I hope you’ll come back and join me on my journey. Contributions and suggestions for anything that has brought a ray of light (or a cloud of darkness) into your world and therefore made you see or feel something new, are always welcome. I’m greatly looking forward to meeting you!

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